that's one nasty roundabout! nice find & great capture. .. .. love the structure - what is it? (am assuming a dried flower stem/head of some sort) MrC @ 2006-April-15 14:14
Great macro. The composition is very fine and the background element adds a lot to the image. A very strong photo. Regards, Brent Brent Vermilyea @ 2006-April-15 20:58
Kommt irgendwie gefährlich wie eine Waffe :) Gefällt mir sehr! :) Jens @ 2006-April-15 22:51
Tell me who does all the shooting and the processing between you guys? If together then you have a great working partnership together, this shot is amazing. Jide Alakija @ 2006-April-16 10:07
oh wow! and what a daunting decision it is for the poor spider! ;) i love it when images like this carries interesting connotation to everyday lifes. Nice macro. anagnorisis @ 2006-April-16 11:33
Thanks everyone! And we were already beginning to think no one liked the picture... :p
@MrC: Yes, it's a dried stem, but we don't know either what exactly it is.
@Jide: The question already came up earlier, and we've elaborated a bit on it in this post. Almost all recent pictures were collaborations of some sort. This particular opportunity was spotted by Ella, shot by me and processed together. While we have different opinions from time to time in general it's a smooth ride ;) sknop @ 2006-April-16 15:45